Friday, April 5, 2013

9 Months

So, this blog update is horribly late. I started a draft a few weeks ago, and apparently it wasn't saved. Henry is out with Dan at Kindermusik, which gives me some free time (what's that?) to finish his 9 month post. At his 9 month pediatrician appointment, Henry weighed 19 lb, 10 oz and measured 28.5 inches tall. His head circumference is now in the 75th percentile, rather than the 95th+ percentile, as it has been since he was born. It appears that his body is catching up with his head! The doctor predicted that Henry will reach between 5'9'' ad 6' as an adult, based on our heights (mine and Dan's). It's hard to imagine my little peanut as an adult!

Big smiles :)
Henry continues to amaze me every day. I think he will be walking soon, based on the fact that he can move along the edge of the sofa while standing. Dan has seen him let go for a moment, as if he has forgotten that he is not walking yet. He crawls like a pro, although not as quickly as his friend Robby, who is 1.5 months older than him. He has no fear: When we were at the Natural History Museum this week, Henry crawled out onto the clear glass floors that cover some dinosaur fossils. One of my friends has a 1.5 year old girl, who was deathly afraid of those floors, and would cautiously crawl backwards across them. Henry, all the while, seemed fascinated with the fossils.

It is such a joy watching him take in the world around him. Everywhere we go, Henry is alert and looking everywhere. He still smiles at everyone, which is so cute and endearing. Henry has become a bit more attached to Dan and me, which is normal at this age and usually passes after a few months. The doctor said the best way to help him through this is to leave him with family from time to time. Dan and I wasted no time for a parents' day, at dropped him off at Uncle Tom and Auntie Des' house so that we could go to the Rockies/Mariners game at Spring Mobile Park. Henry did great (and it was so good for us)!

Henry is sleeping 9-12 hours at night without interruption (for the most part). I had to night wean him this past week, which actually wasn't too bad. Henry still nurses 4-5 times a day, but he loves food in general, so we are able to mix it up quite a bit. Just yesterday, I made quinoa salad for my lunch. Henry gets excited about whatever I am eating, so it was no surprise that he crawled over to me to try some. Even though the salad has a bit of cayenne pepper in it, he loved it! He eats everything that is given to him. I have been giving him a sippie cup, which he uses easily.

Henry's favorite sleeping position: On his tummy with his butt in the air!

Henry is talking a lot, albeit baby talk. He says "Mama" and "Dada" pretty regularly (sadly, the latter was his first word...LOL). He squeals when he's excited. I have been meaning to introduce some baby sign language, but I need to be more consistent. I heard that babies younger than him can sign, so I might as well give it a try!

Since the weather has been nicer, we have been taking Henry to the park to swing. He loves it. He also goes with us on jogs (LOVE our jogging stroller). I really appreciate spring now after living through a real Utah winter. Winter 2012 was relatively mild, whereas this past winter was much colder and wetter. I am looking forward to enrolling him in swim lessons. He loves the water!

Henry in the baby swing making one of his new favorite facial expressions
These past 9 months have really flown by, especially since I went back to work full-time. Being a working mom definitely makes me appreciate the precious time we have together. I have so much to look forward to on my days off. :) I love you, my Henry!!!